AquaRegister is a register, for in your store. It functions like any other electronic cash register, only it has more functions and it's easier to use. And it's much cheaper. And it looks nicer.

If you have a store and you need a complete, simple, safe, fast, reliable, affordable cash register, this product is for you.

Costs $24 / month
Products / locations / transactions / users Unlimited

Download feature list (pdf)
Online Check-out point. From here you can sell, add and manage your products. Online Check-out point. From here you can sell, add and manage your products. Employee Selection. Your employees select themselves from a list before they can operate the register. Administrator Login. Monitor and manage your business from wherever you like and customize every aspect of your register. Let your clients pay with credit or debet cards, store the transaction for accounting and automatically print a receit. Let your clients pay cash, store the transaction, see what to return, automatically pop the cash drawers and print a receit.